Chief Emoji Officer officially launched!

Alexia Mandeville
2 min readApr 7, 2023

Chief Emoji Officer is here! You can download it today for PC/Mac/Linux on Steam or It’s also available on iOS and Android. You’ll get the whole game for just $2.99.

In Chief Emoji Officer, your goal is to become Chief Emoji Officer using only emojis… without getting fired along the way.

You’re a new hire to Redify, a startup that loves changing the world! It’s up to you to turn the company around and climb to the executive level by making decisions for the company. Work with a variety of unique co-workers and respond to their messages to navigate corporate politics in this unique twist on a text adventure.

If you enjoy Chief Emoji Officer, please help us out and write a review! One of the biggest challenges of a new indie studio in a competitive field is getting noticed, and reviews go a long way.

Thank you for following us along the journey! We hope you enjoy the game and get a few good laughs. We certainly had fun writing it.

Find the original post on our Bodeville dev log. Thanks for all your support!



Alexia Mandeville

game designer | writing about game design & building products | | prev: Niantic, Oculus | twitter: @flexmandeville