How the Business Model Canvas Impacted the Way I Think About Feedback
Get as much feedback as you can from people, and analyze the trends of that feedback as a whole to make decisions.
In 2015, I was awarded a National Science Foundation grant within an accelerator with my colleague, and we made a small business. It was a platform to craft location-based experiences and games in theme parks, museums, and public places using bluetooth iBeacons.
The accelerator asked us to create a business model using the Business Model Canvas, and we had to get 100 people to give us feedback on our concept and prepare a deck each week on our findings. I had to interview around 10 people each week. So I got feedback on our concept from my friends, my colleagues, even networked my way to decision makers working at theme parks and museums.
All of this helped shape the way I think about getting feedback on ideas, concepts, and work, and at what point during the process you should be asking for it.
Turns out the best time to get feedback is as soon as you have a concept or first draft, even if in its ugliest state. Then by getting lots of feedback from tens to hundreds of people, use that body of feedback to analyze trends to make decisions that fit your vision, instead of taking one person’s feedback at face value.
Next time you’re looking to make a new product, design a feature, or even make a career change, ask as many people for advice that you can, and take a look at what they’re saying.